Visual diary from January – spent in Paris while working out there (modeling) and living with another fantastic friend of mine who I am equally proud of, Blue Sumrie
Blue Sumrie was there by chance for work as well at the same time. My friend Conor, who is a photographer, came out to stay with us over one weekend (responsible for any of the photos I am in/ ones with Blue and I together). We lived in THE smallest apartment but was incredible to spend the time there/definitely managed to make the most of it and captured the experience so much better on film than I ever could have using my phone. My favourite photos from this album are the sunset ones taken from the Sacré-Coeur viewpoint. Blue shares my view that life is too short to be negative and , especially while modelling, you have to be able to take criticism etc. well/ make it constructive. The day I took these photos I just missed out on a huge job opportunity and so we decided to turn the day on it’s head and make it our best one there yet! We googled the time of sunset and ran up the steps of the Sacré-Coeur at 5.16pm exactly! Said cheers to life over Gin&Tonics (in mugs) and lit a ciggy together. Loyal and positive friends are the most important thing to me in the world. Keeping photos from both Dua’s concert and my time in Paris with Blue will mean I never forget how lucky I am to have them by my side and I love posting photos of friends more than anything – JUST SO PROUD, true babes.
Words and photography by Rosie Viva