Sydney based photographer ShiBBi Yee´s images are full of magnificent colors, deep contrasts and unusual angles.
Which song people should listen to while reading this interview?
Flume – TRUST feat. Isabella Manfredi
When did you first pick up a camera?
When I turned 21 years old, my father bought me my first compacted digital camera (Sony DSC-T200), and I instantly fell in love with photography.
Are you self-taught?
From the beginning till now, trial and error.
Your photography captures the beauty of women. What else inspires you for your images?
I’ve developed social anxiety as I grew up, and photography has definitely been the catalyst towards the cure.
Getting to meet different people, to know their story, their life and their character; capturing that essence, is what inspires me for my pictures.
Do you think only good equipment can make a great photo?
I wouldn’t totally disagree to that, sometimes you just need the right equipment to get a certain shot done. However, a great photo to me is how well the photographer sees the world through his/her lense and how him/her composes the photo.
“I think life is where you are your senses, and where your senses gather everything that is happening around you. Living in the moment is what I always try to do; not expecting to know what the future holds is part of what life is.”
So what is the essence of a good image?
Photos that can demonstrate either the character, the emotions or a story of your subject.
What are you spending your money on?
Modifying my car, and camera gears
Who is the most important person in your life?
It’s either my dad, my mum or my sister. FAMILY.
Happiness is?
Driving down a countryside highway in a convertible (preferably with my girlfriend when I finally have one)
Favorite city?
Hong Kong ( My hometown )
What do you expect from life?
Nothing. I think life is where you are your senses, and where your senses gather everything that is happening around you. Living in the moment is what I always try to do; not expecting to know what the future holds is part of what life is.
ShiBBi Yee´s room: