Sleeping is by far one of the best thing you can do, isn´t it? Best on a Monday morning, on a rainy afternoon or after you have pushed out the boat the previous night. I am sure you agree. Browsing on sexinart I found out about Soineya. And yes, this is Japan´s first “co-sleeping together shop” (which opened last autumn) where you pay to sleep in the arms or on the laps of a beautiful girl. Sounds weird. For around 60 Euro you can have for example a lovely comfortable standard session. And for around 600 Euro you can have a 10-hour full night. But hey, let us look at that from the other side as well. That also means that there is a job out there where one gets paid for having a nap during the day. Could be a way to get rich while slumber in cosy dreamland.
images “japanese slumber party” by Gordon