“Photography happened to be what fits me the best until now.” When the work of Quentin Saunier crosses your eye, then it will not let you go so quickly. Unconventional compositions meets pure femininity and strength. And glossy Fashion meets clever contradictions.
Your images feel so feminin and glossy. How would you describe your work?
Women excite me in a aesthetic way, my goal as a photographer is to «reveal» their bodies and the sexyness that goes with it. It’s also about working as a team, I really put myself into what I ask the model to do, I show her the gestures.
What is the essence of being an artist for you?
What makes you an artist is mostly the experience and some sort of maturity, so for me, the more you live and work, the more you become an artist.
And where does your passion for photography come from?
Experimentation: I did graphic desigh studies so I studied the «image» in various contexts. Photography happened to be what fits me the best until now. I also try to travel as much as I can, it’s the best thing to make your look richer.
How do you see photography industry at this point of “crisis”?
So many people want to become a photographer but I think that the keys to success never changed: talent, cleverness and sense of contact. Another thing is the freelance status wich can be hard to manage sometimes, you really have to push yourself to make you and your work visible, you have to be brave, it’s a battle.
What is your personal truth for your own life at this moment?
I am making up the life that I want : a job that I love which ( soon i hope) will bring me enough money to build a family.
Is there anyone you´d love to shoot?
Strong and sexy women around the world and bimbos.
You worked for American Apparel, several Magazines, Fashion,.. What exactly does the word ‘success’ mean to you?
It’s about having new exciting projects coming up and meeting interesting people who you can work with, that’s what i’m really seeking today !
The best thing about Paris? Any favorite spot?
Richness, delicacy and melting. The all area around la BNf, it’s new built and it’s great.
You canít take your eyes of what?
My boyfriend and sexy girls
Thoughts about happiness
All I can say so far is that it’s rare and it’s about balancing stuff.
Most of the time I can be found?
At home rue etienne marcel or in the trees.
all images by Quentin Saunier
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