“We felt like we were on another planet, in another world, the place really draws you in. These clusters of hexagonal columns are an internationally recognised geological phenomena. This story is about shining back at the landspace. Being a fixture. Being a force in another world.”
A mind blowing cliff scenery and a rad looking model called Jade C, and the rhombic, mirror glasses by Lauren Burrell, were three of the unreplaceable ingredients of this übercool, exclusive C-Heads story and video. Produced and directed by FLING FLING and styled by FLING FLING & Daisy Hofstetter, this certainly does feel like taking you a bit to another dimension. Make-up done was done by Mel Lew and assistant was Jess Cavini.
Produced/Directed by FLING FLING (@flingflingxo)
Styled by FLING FLING & Daisy Hofstetter (@daisyhofstetter)
Model: Jade C. (@jadiedaisy)
Make-up: Mel Lew (@_smellycat)
Mirror Glasses: Lauren Burrell
Assistant: Jess Cavini (@jessicavini)