Denise Schaefer stars in this cinematic clip “that reimagines a classic David Hockney painting and combines that with moments plucked from a classically-hot winter afternoon in Los Angeles.”
Portraits Of Girls (former known as Nowear Land) presents the new short fashion film “Endless Summer” filmed by the amazing American video director Chris Applebaum. He created visual pearls for names like Rihanna, Hilary Duff, Mandy Moore, Natasha Bedingfield, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Britney Spears. “Before I met Bruno Maric, I had no idea what to expect. I’d been a fan of this website for years. I checked it everyday and continue to do so. After a couple introductory e-mails, he and I decided to go for coffee. It was late in December but still summer-like in Southern California. It’s that time of the year when everything’s winding down but not for Bruno. A juggernaut of boundless energy, he’s instantly likable in every way. Three hours passed in a flash and I was completely mesmerized. His confidence is unmistakable. We talked about how fashion in LA is starting to forge its own path and how there’s a laid-back optimism throughout town. Everyone here feels it but I think Bruno harnesses it and makes it sexy both on Portraits Of Girls and in his own work as a photographer. It soon became obvious to me that a collaboration was in order.” tells Chris on the collaboration. Denise Schaefer at LA Models stars in this cinematic clip “that reimagines a classic David Hockney painting and combines that with moments plucked from a classically-hot winter afternoon in Los Angeles.” All wardrobe courtesy of For Love & Lemons.
Hello from my planet! I love nature, freedom, dancing, traveling, music, reading, chilling, cats and the woods. 屈臣氏威而鋼
Hello from my planet! I love nature, freedom, dancing, traveling, music, reading, chilling, cats and the woods
Hello from my planet! I love nature, freedom, dancing, traveling, music, reading, chilling, cats and the woods美國黑金功效