“When I’m writing there are no limitations and no rules, it’s the only time my deepest feelings and thoughts can roam free and I don’t care what people think or say about it.”
Sophia Pfister, a 23-year old Los Angeles based songstress with a sultry-folk-rock sound has recently released her debut, self-titled 5-song EP, “which captures the mental and physical state I’ve been in the past few years. Themes of cars, older men, travel, money, addiction, and heartache set the scene of this record.” Getting lost in the playground of creativity makes her happy and she likes to write her lyrics straight forward telling the listener about her experiences. We definitely recommend to you to indulge in the world of the young musician with Mexican, Hungarian and Irish roots who was born in L.A. and raised in Oregon and whose record was amongst others influenced by Mark Fontana. The EP was recorded together with Grammy-winning engineer and studio owner Tom Weir and has features of musicians like Steve Madaio, Greg Leisz and Lou Ann Homezy. A very smooth sound that reminds me of those times I had with friends, hanging out forever in a cosy coffee bar talking about anything and everything. Enjoy!
Photos by Maria Pfister

“People sometimes ask how I learned to sing, but it feels like asking how I learned to grow my hair. I have no answer, I was just born and it was there.”