Jason Landis teamed up with the two natural beauties Lauren de Maurégné and Trew Mullen and painted in the colours of summer.
Val Surf opened its doors in the valley of Los Angeles in 1962 and has been open since then. Making it the oldest family owned and still operated skate/surf shop in the world. “I’ve been going there since I was 6 years old and spent most of my childhood there bugging employees. They are like a second family to me so when I was asked to shoot some photos for them I was beyond pumped. Rachel made some rad pulls from the shop and we shot the next day at Erin’s house with my girlfriend Lauren and friend Trew.” Styling done by Rachel Wever and Erin Hoag.
Photography: Jason Landis @JasonLandis JasonLandis.com
Stylist: Rachel Wever @Rachel_Wever and Erin Hoag @ErinHoag
Models: Lauren de Maurégné @Lodemo_ and Trew Mullen @TrewMullen x
Brand: @ValSurfWomen1962 @ValSurf1962 ValSurf.com