I remember being twenty years old, sitting in my dark room all night and listening to the same song over and over again. I thought that if I could write something so beautiful, something so deep and honest, I could make him love me.
It has been to long since we posted an exclusive story by Italian photographer Adolfo Valente. So we are happy to share with yout this wonderful and sensual series featuring beautiful Ilaria. “I had long thought of making a shoot with Ilaria. I was very attracted by the simplicity she expressed in her photographs, and her attitudes, always so spontaneous and at the same time so sensual. I must say that I also liked her glasses, which I found very photogenic. Yet, I specially appreciated the fact that in all her photographs I had been able to look at she never did anything pretended, artificial or forced in order to look different from what she really is. This is to me one of the greatest and most appreciable qualities in a model. Before any photoshoot I like figuring the situation, which attitudes the model could have and, accordingly, in which setting we could shoot. So, for Ilaria I thought that a little old, messy and somewhat “bohémien” flat, with a simple mattress laid on the floor, could be the right location, the one where she could express the personality I had seen in her. And so it was: in fact Ilaria was, as I had imagined, really brilliant and able to interpret the mood I had proposed to her in the best possible way.”
Adolfo Valente for C-Heads July 2015
model: @ilariaellemagni