Jordy is a model based in NYC and LA. Born in the states but with hot ties to Australia, this girls got her head on strait. She’s your new best friend, the somehow non annoying Gwyneth Paltrow of your girl group.
Chalk full of opinions, she’s got something to add to every conversation, but honestly, we’re listening and taking notes. We shot in the TriBeCa loft where she lives with two boys, her boyfriend and best friend, listening to a slew of downtempo music like Chet faker and her mate Fascinator. There’s no denying a bohemian sensibility, but it’s not something you identify immediately. There’s no patchouli oil in the bathroom (we checked) but her compassionate lifestyle (long time vegetarian) gives her away. Jordy later told us laughing, that she was voted “most free spirited” in high school. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. She was born in the states but started modeling in Australia when she was there for school. She has been modeling for three years and in ten years she sees herself being a wellness coach or yoga instructor. Jordy’s favourite musicians are Chet Faker, Banks, and Fascinator. In her spare time she just started a food line called Alchemy.
Photographer: Lauren Engel –  MUA: Alegra Titus – Stylist: Caitlan Hickey
Tell us about your upbringing! How did it shape the person you are now?
Mum and dad were (and are) so amazing! I can’t attribute this to any one single quality, but somehow they created the most supportive environment for my younger brother and I. Mum says now that her and my dad were more concerned with raising future adults than raising children. Maybe there is something to that…. I don’t always, but I know that I could tell them absolutely anything and they would reserve judgement. When I was in school we moved around quite a bit (all within the U.S.) for dads work, and then I moved to Australia alone in my late teens. I feel like having to learn to thrive in new environments, constantly being the new kid, instilled me with such a fierce sense of independence. I’m rather fearless in social situations. Besides my Gemini affiliation, I think I owe that confidence to my parents. (I’m looking at you mum!)
How did you get your start modeling? Was it always something you dreamed of doing?
I was in university in Australia when I got started. I was 18, which is rather late! … I think I started to be intrigued by the industry when I first saw photos of natalia vodianova. Her face is mesmerizing. I always cared a lot about clothing, even though I was a diehard tomboy, and generally rather hopeless looking back. But honestly, growing up I remember wanting to an archeologist… I didn’t even know that modeling was a real career. And if I had I still probably wouldn’t have considered it an option for myself! But I’m so happy the way things have worked out. I think I have a lot more career success ahead of me, but if not, I’m really grateful for this opportunity. We heard that if you weren’t modeling you’d be working in wellness.
What aspect of health is most fascinating to you?
The interconnectivity off everything! Just like style is not just what you wear, wellness isn’t just what you eat. It’s mental, spiritual and physical. But coming from a food centric family, the nutrition aspect is close to my heart, and the most fun! When you stop looking at food as the enemy or something you have to quantify, you are so much more free to live your life. Actually, my friend and myself have started a little passion project called Alchemy NYC. She’s freelance, so essentially we are both sort of self employed, so we wanted a fun branding project for our down time. Both of us really love to eat, and talk shit and drink coffee… so we started to hang out in our kitchens. The concept at the moment is to take back raw deserts. We were inspired by wanting to create vegan cheesecake that had a nice texture, and the right about of sharpness, and something just generally really lovely that feels modern. She’s a brilliant food writer snd stylist, and one of my very best friends, so we thought we complimented each other rather nicely. I was getting so tired of seeing this gap in the market for vegan treat foods that married both traditional culinary flavorings and more nutrient dense ingredients. We live in NY for fucks sake. It always seems the more “traditional” vegan baking, uses tofu or shortening in place of eggs. A far cry from a healthy alternative. On the other end of the spectrum, most of the raw-centric fare is usually just an acai, cacao flavored cashew mess. There are some people that we really admire, producing stunning delicious deserts, but most of them are based overseas (we’re looking at you Australia). We don’t bake, that requires too much chemical precision, we like to cook the way we feel… Our deserts are, apart from some lightly toasted nuts and seeds, considered raw. We’re still getting on our feet (anyone want to build us a bloody amazing website for free?…no?) but by word of mouth we’re doing custom cakes and catering. Watch this space.
What do you love most about Joshua Tree?
So many things to climb! Hah from spending do much time in California this year I learned that I’m just rather fond of deserts in general… There is something about the light quality, all diffused and golden that’s pretty special. You can rent air bnbs out there and sleep in a big queen bed under the stars. No humidly, no light pollution, no real bugs. It’s heaven.
What is your perception about real love?
Is that much different than the generic kind? I don’t know, I’ve been really lucky in “real” love. I met my best friend (boyfriend) 6 years ago and we’ve basically been together ever since. But like anything, there are both good and bad things about meeting so young. So far we’ve grown together, but there’s always the possibility of coming of age and drifting apart. We’re really respectful of letting each other be curious and nurture interests outside the relationship. I think that’s important. I’m so grateful for him, he makes my life better in 100 ways. But at the end of the day if it doesn’t work out, I know ill be okay. I know I’d be happy again eventually. At the moment I’m learning that it takes quite an incredible amount of self assurance to give yourself to someone else without losing your integrity as an individual. That’s where I’m at.
The moments you are lying in your bed.. which thoughts come too you?
By that point in the day I’m usually so contented. I try to do the majority of my thinking in the day time, that way if anything pressing comes to me it can potentially still do something about it. You can ask my boyfriend, at night, after around 9 pm I’m basically useless. And by the time I get into bed, apart from some very silly dreams, I sleep like a lamb.
Tank, Vest and Shoes by The Break Vintage / Underwear by Affinitas
Sweater and Shoes by The Break Vintage / Underwear by Daisy and Elizabeth
Tank and Duster by The Break Vintage  / Bottoms by Daisy and Elizabeth
One Piece by Daisy and Elizabeth / Jacket by The Break Vintage
Bra by Daisy and Elizabeth / Skirt by The Break Vintage
Underware by Daisy and Elizabeth / Denim model’s own
@j_murr ephotography @engelauren mua @alegratitus styling @chiefchiefnyc