Photography by Carson Cody
Interview by Lauren Engel
Growing up did you play in a band?
Yeah, I played in a couple of bands throughout high school and so did Dillon. I played in mainly rock projects and Dillon did all sorts ranging from Hip Hop to blues.
How did the band members meet each other?
Everyone we have had play in the band we have met through Berklee. Dillon was my roommate for 4 years so that set a solid foundation for us to continue working together on all this music.
What was the meaning behind your song ‘Stranger’?
I wrote it when I had just come out of a rough place, not taking care of myself and simply neglecting things I needed to be doing to keep myself happy. I felt like I had become someone so far removed from who I used to be that I felt like a stranger to myself. I put some people close to me through a rough time during it all and the song was my way of acknowledging that I know that wasn’t who I really am.
Describe the process of writing and making music as a band?
I usually go ahead and write/record the outline to a song with melody, chords etc and then Dillon will head over and we will finish the songs off together adding drums, touching up lyrics and anything else we can think of really. Then we send off the track 70% done to a producer called Andrew Seltzer out in NY and he cleans it up, and adds the cherry on top.
What was your inspiration in your music video, “Comes and Goes”?
I really like Bon Iver’s videos and some of them tend to have a theme of travel. Moving from one point to another. Which i thought worked very well with the song. We didn’t plan out a whole story, we just kind of drove out to new Hampshire with cinematographer Lauren Foley and she made it all purty and stuff.
“I wrote “Stranger” when I felt like I had become someone so far removed from who I used to be that I felt like a stranger to myself. I put some people close to me through a rough time during it all and the song was my way of acknowledging that I know that wasn’t who I really am.”
Did growing up around the world influence your style of music?
I would like to say yes it did because thats way more interesting.. But… nah it didn’t. I mean like whilst I was living in Hong Kong, I listened to Brand New constantly, and unless that classes as Hong Kong influence.. then no haha. I could probably spin it in some bullshit way and say something like “living abroad my whole life really opened up my eyes to different music styles and brought me to where I am..”, but nope. I would probably end up writing the same music if I was in one place. Its just what I think sounds good and comes out naturally. Maybe on a subconscious level it influenced me? But does me addressing the fact that its subconsciously influenced me, make it a conscious influence? Probably not until I know exactly what parts of it influenced me. But now I’m rambling so I will stop.
Did studying music at Berklee help you or do you think a lot of music is self taught?
I think a lot of it is self taught, and I have my fair share to say about Berklee (especially if you get a few beers in me). I think that the best thing about Berklee, for me, was the fact that it put me in a position where everyone was good. So what I thought was good, became average, meaning I had to raise my standards even higher. If you don’t aim to be as good as your hero, then what are you settling for? Berklee made me aware and capable of standing my ground in musical conversation (to a degree), but I think its the atmosphere that they provide which is the best thing for students.
What do you have upcoming for Covey?
We’ll, I just got back from the UK and we are planning on releasing another single in the next month, then we should be releasing the full 5 track EP. We a commercial placement we are very excited for, and we will be playing plenty of shows.
A highlight of drift boss is not just the visuals but also the sound.
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My sincerest thanks go to the author for Smash Karts their generous sharing of expertise