“AWAY is a journal and a journey inside myself but I am sure many people living in a big city can relate to this experience.”
Oh yes, we can! “It is the persistent dream of leaving your job, the four walls apartment inside which you feel trapped to finally reinvent yourself on the road. I don’t know where this travels ends, it is not over yet.” Remember, the sun is most beautiful as it’s going away.” All pictures were shoot with a 35mm Rolleiflex by Caroline Ruffault.
When you suddenly suffocate on the subway
When having neighbors becomes the most difficult thing
When it’s hard to breeze just walking the streets
When there is too much information for your brain
When there is too many people for your brain
May be it’s time to empty your world.
I took the car one random night and I drove.
I drove west towards the sunset.
I had found a way to catch the future.
I left the apartment, my things and the people I knew.
We used to be friends, we used to understand each others.
You are gone with the flow,
gone with the useless dishes,
gone with the outdated telephone,
gone with the crappy books and the old toys,
gone with the ancient habits and the sadness,
gone with the dusty vase and the dead flowers.
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