Sarah W of Tempomodels fascinates us with her somehow shy and radiant look and her profound thoughts she send us over. She´s into festivals and writing and we are happy to share one of her texts about something very personal.
“I’m just dying to say, ‘Hey, do you ever feel like jumping off a bridge?’ or ‘Do you feel an emptiness inside your chest at night that is going to swallow you?’ But you just don‘t say that at a cocktail party.”
What is that society we live in that we have created ourselves? We set up rule by rule that tells us how to behave, what to do and what not to and it seems that with each rule we get more and more unhappy. It seems that we want to transform every individual into an equal working robot. We have created this perfect picture of a human, this super-human that we now want to match with. And the more somebody drifts away from that conception, the “weirder” he or she is perceived by other people. And this is so sad because isn’t it just this variety that makes up us humans?
Photography by Francesco Vezzola