“In bloom” is a beautiful series by Toronto based photographer Natasha Wiseman of Enzee Creative, which is all about colours, bath tubs, girls, water and different flowers.
“After coming across Alexa Jones on instagram I immediately wanted to shoot with her and asked if she would like to partake in my flower series “In bloom”; which is a bath tub series showcasing different models with different flowers. And she was thrilled to be apart of the series. Shot entirely in the tub of my boyfriends parents bathroom we created this effortlessly magical mood with beautiful purple flowers. I decided on purple and lilac colored flowers for Alexa to match her youthful and ethereal beauty.”
Photography and art direction by: Natasha Wiseman of Enzee Creative
Instagram handles: @natasha.wiseman @enzeecreative
Model: Alexa Jones
Instagram handle: @a1exajones