“I felt liked we braved ghosts, cheated death and got some amazing photos to match.”
Photographer Devon Rogers and Model Charlotte met through a couple of mututal friends and decided to one day shoot together. “Charlotte lives on a little island and I was meeting her at her grandmothers abandoned house. I drove into the middle of nowhere and finally gott to the house. This building was the perfect home for a horror movie with cobwebs everywhere, old portraits on the walls and a creepy attic with dolls. Excited and nervous we both started exploring – going through each room and discovering amazing location after location. It felt like we were walking through years of history. After shooting for a couple hours I got a glimpse of an old barn at the back of the property. We grabbed my camera and trek to the barn, got it opened and walked into an old machine shop with the roof caving in. We climbed the ladder to the top of the barn and started shooting. Every step we took the floor shook like it was going to fall. With me gripping onto my camera and hoping for the best we walked around the shop and shot until the sun was coming down. The whole day was an amazing experience. I felt liked we braved ghosts, cheated death and got some amazing photos to match.”