image by Dana Trippe
text by Sarah K.
“Some men I hate for being rogues; the others I hate because they treat the rogues like brothers.” Alceste of Le Misanthrope ou l’Atrabilaire amoureux.
There are those days when I wake up and I hate the whole world. Like today. It´s those moments when I feel overhelmed by the despair of the world and questions about why us humans are the way we are. Without wanting to sound too sappy I wonder why we do evil to our surrounding, the nature, animals, our fellows and even to ourselves at times. Why we never seem to learn the lessons of the past. Because as much as we do progress on one hand, on the other hand we tend to go round in circles. And there are so many examples of people in powerful positions acting ruthless, profit-oriented to the extend when it becomes unhealthy for society or nature and I wonder what actuates somebody to give in to this selfish behaviour? My hate is not ment in a senseless, evil way. It´s more in a frantic attempt to understand the nasty side of humans. I live with this contradiction inside of myself that on one hand I am attracted by them and in the next moment I am pushed away again due to dipping deep into their minds and observing their deeds too closely. From time to time I become exasperated with the headless crowd behaviour and I need to shut myself away from it all; maybe also to forget that I am myself a part of a species that leaves behind a wake of devastation. Anyway, misantrophy is not the root of evil. Because many bad things don´t come into being with the initial idea of hate towards human race or to damage somebody or something, but with the promise of salvation.
Did I just get out of the wrong side of the bed today? Or do we from time to time need a healthy occupation and awarness of our negative feelings, reality and being? I turn around again, close my eyes and indulge in the calmness of the dawn.
1 comment
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