Are you really who you want to be?
It´s not that often that I ask myself that question. And anyway I honestly do not have a sufficient answer for it. But sometimes I look for my place in society. And think about the way I still have in front of me. Things I still want to achieve. Things I still want to experience. Things I still kick down the road. And then there are also the views of others. What they have achieved. The status they have. Where and who they are in life. And so for the most part you have this feeling that first and foremost a kind of competition drives people to change and to do what they are doing. To live in an even bigger house. To have an even larger wedding. And to display an even larger ego in public. It seems to be an endless list that you have to tick off in order to be “someone”. I´d just love to grow and mature naturally. According to my experience and speed. And not my possessions. I don´t want to be aimless but neither competitive when it comes to finding my way. As long as it´s really my way and not just for the sake of comparing myself to others. I don´t want be flawless, but have the ability to reflect on myself and be as close as I can to what I think is the sincere me. And I want to give back something to the world and not just take or be impressive in front of others. To know who you are or who you want to be, is something that you are forced to ask yourself throughout your entire life from time to time. And even if it´s not a constant question in my mind, I think the even fact that I am allowing this issue to occupy my mind will put me on the right track.
words by Sarah K.
image: Self Portrait by