We wanted to share with you today the upcoming debut single “WildThing/3’s A Crowd” from CLAY, a brand new L.A. based artist who is blending the worlds of fashion, music, and love. And had a quick and interesting chat about the overload of social media and her song serving as a kind of wake-up call for her generation and herself.
You are LA based. Where are you originally from and what brought you to LA?
I was born and raised in San Francisco. I came out here to pursue music full-time. To build something of my own creation from the ground up. LA draws creatives from all different walks of life, so I was compelled to start here.
Your debut single “WildThing/3’s A Crowd” is very multi-layered. How did you approach the creation of this song and what is the personal story behind it?
Well the songs came to me at different times, and I chose to string them together while writing a video treatment. Now, as a single it feels like an “A-side” and “B-side” of an old record, where in this case the A-side is the catchier tune and the B-side is more personal. I wrote WildThing on a day I felt overloaded by social media, first overhearing a conversation of two friends around my age talking to each other, no eye contact, while both on their phones. Then, later at home while zoned-out, scrolling through instagram myself, I read the hashtag “wildthing” underneath a selfie. It just struck me as having absolutely nothing to do with the photo, and I re-visited my definition of “wild,” which sparked the song. The song serves as kind of a wake-up call for my generation and for myself. Then, “3’s A Crowd” delves a little deeper into my inner world. I talk about heartbreak and fragility, and the power someone can hold over me.
“For me, love is everything, and therefore in everything I do and create. I think that self-love is the most important form of love, especially in this current social (media) climate.”
I heard you are “a brand new artist who is blending the worlds of fashion, music, and love.” Fashion is important to you, because…?
What is really important to me is expressing individuality, and fashion/personal style is a great way to do so.
And how does the word “love” fit into this context of doing music and fashion?
For me, love is everything, and therefore in everything I do and create. I think that self-love is the most important form of love, especially in this current social (media) climate. I make songs to share my personal stories and experiences in hopes that others will feel inspired to do the same. I wear crazy colors and patterns and have purple hair because I love expressing myself in that way. My goal is to be a living example of what self-love looks like, letting my light shine bright so others can feel comfortable shining as well.
Are you making music with a goal for the next years or you are just going with the flow and enjoying it while it lasts?
I plan to make music for the rest of my life.
The first song you were consciously listening to and enjoying when you were little?
Hmmm, this is a tough one. One song: “Lovin’ you” by Minnie Riperton sticks out in my memory in particular. My mom and I would sing it in the mornings and I would scream the high notes at the top of my lungs.
When was the last time you forgot about time?
Every time I look up at the clouds.
Anything else you want people to know about you?
I am learning new things and growing everyday, this is just this first step…

photo credit Yana Yatsuk