“On a wild coast, a community of young and free women are diving for pearls. This story is an immersion in their oneiric world.”
“The Pearl Divers” is a highly intriguing short narrative film, shot in Ibiza, by Parisian creative label Pictoresq, that was founded by Paul Saint Bris and Stéphanie Delpon, featuring Enfants Terribles Angèle Metzger, Adèle Farine and Jessamine-Bliss Bell. “The Enfants Terribles are the characters we portray in our stories.” explain Paul and Stéphanie before continuing that they were inspired by the Japanese folklore, to be exact, by the Pearl Diving Mermaids of Japan, the Ama divers, also called the “woman of the sea” who are diving in the sea to collect pearls from the depth of it. Pictoresq translated this idea into a piece full of sublime visual takes and wishful thoughts of a life somewhere on an island. Far away from it all.
“The Pearl Divers” by @pictoresq founded by @paulsaintbris and @stephaniedelpon
featuring Enfants Terribles @angele_metzger, @adelefarine and @jessaminebliss