Alessandra Poli is “a 22-years-old ordinary girl with a passion for photography” Based in Italy she always needs to travel and “look for new places to feel alive. With my photographs I want to mark the feeling of freedom, youth and a timeless atmosphere. When you are out of the city and all your problems you are free to express yourself and live the moments of your life in the most authentic way. The human spirits needs this. It needs to feel alive and needs to find a place in this world to live free and without limits.
I have been to Bali with my brother and his friends and we had such amazing moments. You can do that just chilling on the beach with your friends, cuddling puppies, discovering new places, climbing a tree or catching some waves on The Island of Bali. And this is what I want to share with people: break down society’s walls and be yourself in a free country. Keep in touch with nature, live your life without limits, hold those feelings and remember.”
All photographed on #35mm