“The Silver Lagoon” is a hauntingly beautiful underwater photography series shoot in the Philippines by Camille Robiou du Pont showing the physical and emotional strength and beauty of women, around all the alluring shapes and forms created by the flow of water. “These underwater photographs have been experienced as if they were paint, each of them represent sisterhood, sacred self expression, and the beauty of trusting your dreams to guide to your freedom.” she tells us. Starring Andrea, Summer Puertollano, Alix, Mara and Marta.
a poem by Summer Puertollano
Skipping on rocks,
Looking for the one stone that whispered:
“Paint with the wind, in a dance,
Surrender yourself in the trance.
Listen to the trees,
Their telltales from every fallen leaf.
Ready your heart for the leap,
Take that one breath, and dive in deep.”
Swimming into the depths of silver waters. Digging into the great unknown.
Bringing the divine-self into surface,
She is an awakened soul.
Unashamed and unafraid.
Skin and breath is all that remains.
Feeling the fire within.
She is beauty.
She is power.
She is sense of wonder.
She is holy poetry She is sigh of relief
She is I.
I am she.
Sisters of a sacred sea.
Photographer and director: Camille Robiou du Pont @camillerdp
Models: @andrealuis, @summer_skin, @mackenzie_alix, @mara_reina and @martarantula