How long have we been waiting for a shooting like this. Just breathtaking!
“This was one of the craziest days in the last few months. We have this perfect winter wonderland in Slovenia this season and I wanted to have a snowy – naked body – photo shoot.” tells us photographer Urša Premik. “So when me and Eka arrived on Pokljuka we realised that we will have to shoot in the middle of a road because the amount of snow was so big they had to create road tunnels.
Nobody was around because of the corona restrictions and Eka was running across the street while I was taking pictures and out of nowhere a police car showed up and we panicked and Eka ran into the car butt naked. The policeman walked to the car and saw me with a camera and naked Eka next to me and with his serious face he asked for our IDs. He said he would fine us but he won’t because nobody would ever believe there was a naked woman running across the street at -5 degrees mid corona. We all had a good laugh in the end. It was one of the most memorable days in January.”
Photography by Urša Premik