header photo by Andrea Gutiérrez
What a perfect track to slowly get the day started! American singer-songwriter and producer Lake Stovall‘s upcoming single Lace revolves around craving intimacy in a relationship which goes beyond the physical.
“Lemme feel more than them lips, lemme feel more than a kiss, you gon’ make me take a trip, when I get there, we gon run run run”. There’s also the concept of, does intimacy necessarily equal love?” philosophizes Lake, who originally started off as a dancer before getting into music, about his new track. “Becoming a singer-songwriter has forced me to neglect certain aspects of my social life and it has forced these kinds of dialogues within myself. “Busy so I know I’ve been away, busy cuz I’m workin on my thangs”. This record becomes the representation of a conversation with my inner self. Craving all the things that are “supposed” to bring love into a relationship and learning along the way.”
“Lace” is out Feb 17 via @lekkercollective
image by James Gerde