Photographer Andrey Tarasov‘s works bear a unique signature. He captures fleeting moments, free of pretense or staging, imbued with a touch of nostalgia. These honest and unspectacular moments are precisely what makes them so alluring, revealing a glimpse into the subject’s personality.
In his latest series, Tarasov turns his lens to the enchanting Noa, exploring the hidden gems of Los Angeles’ Eastside neighborhoods, from the gritty streets of Silver Lake to the tranquil enclaves of Echo Park.
“She recently finished her college studies majoring in film & immediately got signed as a model and was working in South Korea. She truly loved the experience & is looking forward to travels & modeling in different countries. Noelle swings into spring & into the warmer parts of the year with much to look forward to this year. The imagery matches Noelle’s confident & bright energy going into this year.
Photo: Andrey Tarasov @andreytarasovs
Model: Noa @noellelampe