Abigail Tulenko‘s photo series featuring model Haze Kim is a mysterious portrayal of grace within the confines of a hotel room. The series captures the melancholy, nostalgia, and beauty of silence, all set against the backdrop of the city’s vibrant lights. The images evoke a sense of intrigue and wonder, as Haze’s movements are elegantly captured within the typical hotel atmosphere.
“Haze and I have shot together before, and I always enjoy working with her to create abstract shapes through posing and composition. We were inspired by her dance and choreography background which paired well with the avian imagery of our surroundings. Watching Haze move is like watching a bird in flight, all lightness, freedom, and grace. The decadence of the fading light lent a natural gold to the photos, a rich white wine permeating the air. The small but lavish room draped with lush curtains lent a sense of confinement but also comfort. Though lonely in its enclosure, it became a quiet enclave, its limits freeing – a space for creative play, for flight – a gilded birdcage.”
Photographer: Abigail Tulenko – abigailtulenko.com/gallery – Instagram: @ abigailtulenko
Model: Haze Kim @hazeyeon