Introducing “Untamed Shores,” a captivating self-portrait photo series by Maria Kn, exploring the beauty and vulnerability of the human form in nature. Shot on a nude beach in the south of France, these analog images are raw and unfiltered, capturing the essence of the moment and the liberating energy of Maria.
“I ventured to a nude beach in the south of France in early March and had the most wholesome experience. I spoke to people there, asking if they would mind me taking some self-portraits in the stunning light and scenery. To my surprise, everyone was incredibly supportive. Despite my limited French and their limited English, we managed to have conversations about light, photography, and being nude in pictures. I loved the energy and the feeling of community.
Usually, I dislike taking self-portraits with people around because I enjoy the quiet time, getting lost in my thoughts and being inspired by random things. There is often judgment directed at people taking their own photos, especially when not wearing anything. You sense a look of slight disgust and a raised eyebrow, making the whole experience somewhat unpleasant.
It was refreshing to engage with people from various professional backgrounds, like a train conductor, a software engineer, and a retired chef, who shared a genuine interest in exploring nudity without judgment. They were intrigued by my process, offered assistance, and even cheered me on as I rushed to my spot before the 10-second self-timer ran out.”
Model & Photographer: Maria Kn @mariakn__