This vibrant photoseries, captured in the picturesque landscapes of the Canarias Island, is a warm tribute to the authenticity of life, the exhilaration of friendship, and the simple joys that spring from these moments. Bask in the unfiltered expressions of the stunning models Camilla Cinelli, Gaja Chandra Maurer, Sofia Magnaghi and Andreacarola Grassi, all photographed by Clara Novelli. Clara explains: “My journey of creative exploration has birthed this narrative of joy and friendship, and I hope it inspires you to cherish every beautiful moment life has to offer.”
Their attire is a fashionable collage of sustainable wear from Bennu, courtesy of Niccolo Chiuppesi, chic glasses from Alba Optics, gifted by bigchiefluca, and a dash of personal vintage pieces, providing an eclectic and eye-catching ensemble.
“Special thanks to the ever-creative Yeison Chacon, the photography assistant who played a significant role in bringing this vision to life. Additional gratitude to Tito and Dario for their invaluable support throughout the project.”
Models @microcam1 @gajachandra @soricciaa @andreacarolagrassi
Brands @bennuofficial thanks to @niccolochiuppesi
@albaoptics thanks to @bigchiefluca
Photography Assistant @jason_ch88
Thanks to @raphaelgarcia10set and @dariovighetti
Production, Photography, Styling and art direction by @clellinovara