Burcu Beaufort, a Berlin-based photographer, delves into the heart of nostalgia with her captivating Parisian photo series.
The muse of this mesmerizing series, Thea Ros, aligns perfectly with Beaufort’s artistic vision. With each frame, Ros adds depth and breathes life into the storytelling, transforming static images into moving tales of the past. Her enigmatic gaze echoes tales of lost love, fading memories, and the transient nature of time, all accentuated with an alluring aura of nostalgia. The melancholic beauty of the series resonates with a profound sense of longing and serves as a love letter to the city of Paris. Hair and Makeup done byt Maya Roget. Enjoy!
Styling and Photography: Burcu Beaufort (@burcubeaufort)
Muse: Thea Ros (@thearosofficial)
HMU: Maya Roget (@mayaroget)