Even though we are personally looking forward to the warmer days, we are happy to show you a sweet cozy story today. With characteristic New England grit and charm, model Marnie Russo ignites a warm winter mood in this intimate series. “Marnie Russo and I had been talking about this shoot for some time,” says photographer Dustin Scott Martin. “That morning, she was planning to drive from her home in Vermont to meet—two hours in good weather. When I saw the forecast for snow, I was worried. But sure enough, Marnie showed up early and ready to shoot. We connected over a shared love of music, specifically The Beatles, turned the radio up, and set to exploring the building and its surroundings in search of soft tones, subtle moods, and a bit of wonder.”
Photographer: Dustin Scott Martin instagram.com/dustinscottmartin
Model: instagram.com/marnierusso