Since I can remember I thought of myself as someone strange. Someone who doesn’t fit anywhere. Now, that I am an adult I am strong enough to call it “unique” but during childhood …man, I felt like all the people were living together and me on the opposite.
There are moments where you want to stay forever. And there are the ones you want to disappear from immediately. With music you can do both. I really couldn´t say it better than with the word of the great Tschaikowski.
Asya Cetin is a Visual Artist roaming between Istanbul and New York. Her work is full of new-wave energy and feminine charm. She focuses on photography and directing, being born in Istanbul and currently residing in New York I caught her on a brief visit in San Francisco for a cup of coffee.
You might know Zoe Salome Saip from last seasons Germany´s Next Topmodel. We immediately fell in love with the quirky blonde girl and her distinctive youthful look and attitude and wanted to know more about the Austrian model. In our interview we talked about what she loves about herself and others, dating and that goals in life are important.
With our new series “An artist´s life.” we want to share the stories of the people behind the art. “No matter what field an artist works in, there’s one thing that binds us all: that strange duality of money versus passion. We’re all on that spectrum somewhere, everything we do. Are you that person who’s almost completely sold their artistic soul, lingering at the money end? Or perhaps you’re the other, struggling to pay the bills, sharing a room with several half-finished projects, loving every second of the starvation? Me? I might have found that particular balance, albeit an uncommon one.”
“My plan was to capture “Love” in a well balanced relationship and in a very intimate environment.” explains photographer Aaron Deppe about his touching new series.
Cute Amy is having a chill afternoon reading our current C-Heads Print issue
“Magical Places”. There is not much better you can do on a rainy afternoon than immerse into a world of reading, looking and enjoy. All captured by Anthony Retournard.
It is the moments of lightness that give us unforgettable joys. Not thinking about later or tomorrow, but just the here and now. A fashion label to love in 2018: Polish fashion label MANDEL.
“Inland Iceland” is a beautiful ongoing series by Portuguese photographer, cinematographer, and creative director Nuno Serrão who finds comfort in minimalism. “Retrocausality is a concept of cause and effect where the effect precedes its cause in time. Perhaps this is what happened to me in Iceland, to step in for the first time into a land I always knew, one that is not allowed to remain the same.”
“My new series “debut” explores the naturalness of the female body. We wanted to show the beauty of human forms melding with the environment.” explains Madrid based photographer studio Mdraft studio. “The most important thing for us was to show mdoel Izaro comfortable and free in the pictures to communicate nudity in a completely natural way and without prejudice.”
Ich könnte minutenlang dasitzen und in die Luft starren, bis die Minuten zu Stunden und die Stunden zu Tagen werden. Ohne an einer Zigarette zu ziehen, die Menschen erlösen würde, ihnen das Gefühl gäbe, ich würde etwas Sinnvolles tun. Ich könnte stundenlang Brüste unter einem Wollpullover beobachten, den Rundungen beim Runden zu schauen.
“Creativity can really change the world! Remember when you’re a kid, and the creativity you had was something that allowed you to live life inspired and feel you could do…
In his newest series “Beach Day” filmmaker, photographer and creative director Daniel Soares exploring the fascinating characters you can find in Coney Island, NY. “I spent the past summer there hanging out with these folks.