“No woman should have to feel social pressure for embracing the hair that is natural on both women & men.” Shannelle “I hate the phrase “body positive” because it is…
all images by Theo Gosselin text by Sarah K. Why is a women’s body so sexualised? Times are changing and every erea has its own issues. But this does not…
You loved that she could take so much pain, on soft flesh that flooded like milk and roses throughout her body. She looked delicate like a flower petal but…
The work of young Italian photographer Sara Lorusso is all about sexuality and with her fantastic project she wants to represent her ideal of sexuality and the human body. “My images…
With the help of Ford Models, Frosting LA, and Carlos Mason, Grizz Lee taps into the expression of beauty and sun-kissed efficiency features an extensive range of outerwear, shirts, skirts,…
Beautiful Kazakhstan girl Unsocial Radioactive Kid introduces us to a poem that was recently written by her. It´s essence and the theme is about ” probably one of the most actual…
“Where the long arm of the fashion industry no longer gives the flaw a knuckle sandwich, bras are being opened, hair is being shaken, platforms are being left and pores…
Here’s to freedom! “Painting is my testament of the world we live in, my portrait of the human race — its crudeness and beauty, its freedoms and indoctrinations. My…
Text by Sigrun Guggenberger Image by Karl ‘Shakur’ Ndieli Maybe one of the biggest challenges our generation faces today is to keep the focus. Don´t get me wrong, I love…
image by Magdalena Nishe Poem by Inny Taylor One weekend in late spring when the bars started filling up again; The bands started playing more: I sat on an empty bench…
photography by Tamara Lichtenstein text by Sarah K. Seriously, I really had enough reading about that. It makes me sick. On a daily basis I stumble over an article…
Strange days filled with inter-realities based on dreams fed by distant memories. I’ve been searching for you, but photos are all I can find.. I’ve been touching you, but now…