“Zum Valentinstag bleibt dieses Jahr keiner alleine.” ONE LOVE verspricht free hugs and kisses mit 13 Djs auf 3 Floors in der Pratersauna am 14.02.2014.
Last year Image Ctrl released their debut LP “Better Living through Image Ctrl” which shows an incredible range of great beats, lyrics and melodies and is one of the best albums we have been listening to the last lately.
If there is one artist that has kept my attention over the past years it would have to be Peter Doherty. His music has crawled into my skin in my London times and has followed me all the way over to Berlin.
“And I keep on running. I run alone….” Catchy tune, wonderful wintery video – the Swedish band The Majority Says have just released their new visual treat for the eyes.
We told you already a few time ago that we are going to have some more wonderful exclusive footage from the talented Jai Jai. This time it´s model Chrissy Elise at Kismet MGMT who gets in front of his lense and walking down the roads of Los Angeles.
For the second time, Austrian fashion design is represented at the British Council and British Fashion Council’s International Fashion Showcase 2014 in parallel with London Fashion Week.